We’re Taking The #trashtag Challenge

Trashtag challenge cleanup day 1
Cleaning up plastic pollution on the roadside

On most days, a small group of us at Elastec like to step away from our desks, go outside and stretch our legs with a nice walk. It’s about a ½ mile walk down the rural road to our local golf course where we then reach a small creek. Usually, a walk is a relaxing moment to spend with nature and your surroundings. However, the sight of trash strewn about the roadside ditches has marred these walks. So we decided to start cleaning things up. We then learned about the #trashtag challenge and thought it was a perfectly-timed coincidence!

Clean roadside

During our walk today we were able to clear the north side of the road, which is the lesser-polluted side. In a 50 yard stretch, we filled a 55-gallon garbage bag with aluminum cans, plastic bottles, cups and a few other unmentionable items that should have never ended up in a roadside ditch. Tomorrow we will start cleaning the other side of the road until we’ve got it all. It’s just a small stretch of road, but it’s a start.

We invite you all to find your own small stretch of land to clean up. Take pictures of the area before, then take pictures of yourself with your fresh clean land. Post them to your social media sites and tell your cleanup story and use the hashtags #trashtag #wtfplasticpollution #itallflowsdownstream and #elastec.
