Pond Maintenance Equipment
Pond maintenance and aquatic weed control can require the use of specialized equipment to cut and control aquatic weeds, floating debris, and trash. Elastec manufactures a range of products that are suited to the task including mechanical aquatic weed cutters, containment boom and skimmers for duckweed.
Our containment booms are designed for the control and containment of invasive aquatic plant life such as sargassum, seaweed, duckweed and hyacinth. We have in-stock boom or we can custom-build barriers to blend aesthetically with the location while maintaining a sensitivity to the surrounding marine environment. Floatation logs, skirt depths, materials, and anchoring systems can be designed to accommodate various water depths and conditions, the duration of use, and type of plant and to be contained. American Marine, a division of Elastec, has been manufacturing quality floating boom and barrier products since 1967.
We also manufacture skimmers that are able to reduce the amount of Duck Weed growing in ponds and lakes. These booms and control methods may require consultation. Please contact Elastec to ensure correct components and installation.

Jenson Lake Mower
The Jenson Lake Mower by Elastec is a cost-effective, environmentally friendly, mechanical aquatic weed control method. The Lake Mower cuts weeds up to seven feet deep (with optional extender), allowing you to enjoy swimming and boating while maintaining a good habitat for fish. In several cases, cutting lake weeds regularly drastically reduces their growth the following season.
SuperSwamp Boom
SuperSwamp boom is a small containment boom suitable for use in streams, canals, roadside ditches and other shallow calm water areas. It is fitted with a cylindrical closed cell foam float and galvanized ballast chain. It is lightweight and easily transported.

PermaFence Boom
The PermaFence containment boom is designed for permanent installations and minimum maintenance. This heavy-duty boom is capable of withstanding long-term deployments and the arduous conditions of permanent installations. Our specially molded foam-filled floats have a unique design that greatly enhances the impact resistance while providing high buoyancy reserve. These floats are produced in HDPE material that provides excellent UV and abrasion resistance.
MiniMax Boom
The MiniMax fence boom features closed-cell foam buoyancy panels, vertical stiffeners, galvanized chain ballast, stainless steel top tension cable, plus a choice of fabrics. Fence boom is typically used for static or low current applications. The closed-cell construction of these booms does not allow water to enter the float chambers. Manufactured in fully welded PVC material, this boom is fitted with handles and anchor points.

OptiMax Boom
OptiMax is a strong and versatile containment boom designed for use in rivers, streams, and nearshore ocean environments. It is the boom of choice for rivers and streams where conditions such as a fast current may exist that requires additional buoyancy reserve. It is an inexpensive boom, yet it features a high buoyancy reserve provided by stable closed-cell foam log floats. Manufactured in fully welded PVC material, this boom is fitted with handles and anchor points and is offered with a variety of accessories.
Elastec Duck Skimmer
The Elastec Duck Skimmer is a weir-type skimmer that helps reduce the amount of Duckweed in ponds and lakes. Lemnoideae is a family of aquatic plants that are also known as duckweeds, water lentils or water lenses. This plant blooms in ponds or lakes and gives it a green appearance.