Kepner Plastics Fabricators Products

In 2022 Elastec acquired Kepner Plastics Fabricators and is now the sole manufacturer of their line of products. Elastec is the largest 100% employee-owned manufacturer of oil spill cleanup and surface water pollution equipment in the world. With headquarters in Carmi, Illinois, U.S.A. and four manufacturing facilities in southern Illinois and Cocoa, Florida, our equipment is operating in over 155 countries. Contact us to discuss any special items that you may have purchased from Kepner Plastics Fabricators in the past.
Call Ben Cowart for Kepner products at 618-382-2525

ReelPak Boom Systems
ReelPak Boom Systems are the premier, state-of-the-art boom systems in the world. Auto-inflating during deployment, there is no need for pumps or other ancillary equipment and there are no check valves to close. Even the largest systems require only one Control Console operator and one tow boat for deployment. With it’s reserve closed cell foam flotation and compartmented design, ReelPak Booms provide maximum heave response and are unsinkable! Recovery is quick and easy, the auto-baling design insures maximum auto-compaction onto the reel.
Compactible Boom
Compactible Booms are auto-inflating, have no valves and require no auxiliary equipment to be fully operational. With a compaction ratio of 5:1 this proven boom can be quickly and easily deployed in a wide variety of situations, automatically expanding to their full continuous cylindrical shape to operate and breathe at atmospheric pressure. Recovery and compaction is easy, assisted by the built-in compaction rope running the full length of the boom.

The Barrel-O-Boom System offers up to 250’ of auto-inflating compactible oil spill containment boom for fast easy deployment. With its compact storage ratio of 12:1, the system is stored in a durable, stackable plastic drum complete and ready to use with a tow adapter at each end and includes two tow bridles, two tow lines and sorbent pads. Recovery is easy, pulling the built-in compaction rope, the boom quickly deflates and compacts the boom.
Other Kepner Plastics Fabricators Products

SeaVac Delta Oil Skimmer
SeaVac Delta Skimmer Systems are rugged, heavy duty, low draft systems which come complete with skimmer assembly, pump, hoses and positioning wand. The skimmer assembly includes self-adjusting weir doors, debris screens, auxiliary suction ports, a vortex breaker and flotation.
Swift Water Rescue Sling
This new concept for fast water rescue will increase the odds of a successful recovery and is highly visible so that the victim is able to see the rescue device and easlily grab and hang on while being pulled to safety. The high buoyancy, easy-to-use, compact and economically priced Res-Q-Sling can be transported by any sized vehicle and deployed by as few as two people.

Superior Dam
Superior Dam is a patented, proprietary pressure-secured air or water filled dam which can be quickly installed for flood control, water diversion and containment, dewatering, cofferdams, ground water recharge, sediment traps and many other uses.
Marine Lift Bags
One of many unusual and diverse requests were answered by Kepner Plastics’ creative engineering and manufacturing staff and resulted in the “best lift bags we ever had” according to the Navy dive team.

SeaCurtain PocketBoom Systems effectively contain oil spills in calm water. This ultra-lightweight boom is easy to use and 150’ stores compactly in it’s own protective portable storage locker.
RIBS (Rapidly Installed Breakwater System)
The HydroRIB System was designed and manufactured for the U.S. Military to provide a portable, rapidly installable, wave attenuation system. These large water filled cylindrical bladders (one million gallon capacity) are used to reduce wave action for lightering operations. The System is designed for transport to the operation location for deployment and installation creating a barrier to absorb wave action.

PACK (Portable Air Cushion Kit)
The PACK System was designed and manufactured for military conversion of standard barge modules into large platform air cushion vessels for heavy equipment transport during amphibious military operations.