Elastec manufactures a wide range of equipment for marine and inland oil spills. Our versatile equipment can also be used in heavy industry to clean up machinery oil leaks and spills. Oil can enter process streams, drain into API separators and collection ponds, and contaminate tanks and cooling systems. Elastec booms, skimmers and vacuum systems can help contain, skim and recover these oils.
Steel production relies heavily on water pumped indirectly through heat exchangers or sprayed directly through nozzles to cool the equipment, intermediate, and final steel products. This can lead to oil contamination. Elastec skimmers are well-suited for oil recovery in scale pits.
API oil water separators are passive, physical separation systems designed for removal of oils from water. If the separator is old or under capacity, oil will build up in the system. Elastec drum skimmers can clear the separator aiding performance and reducing water content recovered. They can be configured with pumps or drain by gravity into a slotted pipe.

Desalination plants are sometimes exposed to oil spills from the sea, and protecting the cooling water channels from hydrocarbon contamination is of great importance. The intakes may also be compromised by invasive marine species, such as jellyfish, or by trash and debris. Elastec’s Permafence and Brute Boom barriers can provide permanent and heavy-duty protection. Hydroelectric dams can also benefit from external pollution control with our floating barriers.
Internal oil pollution from machinery leaks in hydroelectric dams and desalination plants can also be recovered with Elastec skimmers. Flexibelt and Permafence booms can be installed in separator bays to create additional retention of oil around the skimmer.
Oil refineries have many oil-water separators the collect oil from the process plant as well as from stormwater runoff. In hot climates, oil skimmers can be employed in evaporation ponds.
Oil- (diesel and fuel) fired power generation plants are sometimes installed on barges in developing countries. These “power barges” can be surrounded by Elastec’s PermaFence for containment of accidental oil spills.
The ELASTEC MiniMax drum skimmer has been used extensively in the copper mining industry for recovery of valuable organic oils from sulphuric acid ponds. This is part of the Electrowinning process. Electrowinning, also called electroextraction, is the electrodeposition of metals from their ores that have been put in solution via a process commonly referred to as leaching.

A small selective floating drum oil skimmer driven by a 12V motor, the ELASTEC Mini Skimmer is ideal for marinas, ponds, streams and small industrial tanks for recovering light oils such as lube oil, hydraulic, diesel and sheens. It can be run from a low voltage power source, such as a car battery or plugged into a 110V / 220v outlet.
The ELASTEC TDS118 floating drum oil skimmer is available in pneumatic or hydraulic drive for heavy industrial oil spill use. Due to its shallow draft and light weight, the TDS118 is ideal for cleanup in creeks, rivers and lakes. It is supplied with either an air or hydraulic motor. For hydraulically driven skimmers we can provide a diesel or electric driven power pack.

The TDS136 oil spill skimmer is capable of recovering both light and heavy industrial oils with very low water content. It has the same shallow draft and lightweight design of the TDS118 and offers twice the verified nameplate capacity. The TDS136 can be operated with either an air or hydraulic motor. For hydraulically driven skimmers we can provide a diesel or electric driven power pack.
SeaSkater Weir Skimmer
The SeaSkater is a self-adjusting weir oil skimmer, it represents a significant step forward in weir skimmer design. Conventional weir skimmers typically have the float frame under the skimmer, the unique SeaSkater has it above to reduce draft. The SeaSkater has large diameter floats to increase the water line beam, combined with lightweight design, results in a new generation of weir skimmers.