Elastec Testing New 4 ft. Brute Bin

Small Brute Bin trash collection device

Elastec has been testing a new smaller version of its Brute Bin trash collection device. This 4 ft. model can be installed at storm drain outflows to capture plastic pollution, trash and debris before it makes its way into the waterways.

Trash enters our waterways from roadside rubbish carried by wind and stormwater runoff into lakes, streams, wetlands and rivers. Litter can continue to flow downstream into our oceans harming fresh and saltwater ecosystems along the way. “Floatables” such as plastic bottles, bags and straws; aluminum cans; Styrofoam cups and containers; food wrappers and other debris not only damage marine life, it is also unsightly and unsanitary for human life. The Brute Bin was designed to collect this trash and store it until it can be retrieved.

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