Minibytes by Al Allen

Expectation Management – Oil Spills, Marriage and Golf (Part 3) – Minibytes #11

Minibytes by Al Allen By now, if you’ve been reading my previous blogs, you are aware that my opinions, stories and lessons learned usually involve a blend of technology, oil spill experiences, personal stories, and some of my own opinions and expectations. Hang on…, be patient…, and possibly just tolerate my desire to share so […]

Expectation Management – Oil Spills, Marriage and Golf (Part 3) – Minibytes #11 Read More »

Expectation Management – Oil Spills, Marriage and Golf (Part 2) – Minibytes #10

Minibytes by Al Allen Expectations can stimulate positive incentives, encourage and support creative ideas, and lead to fun and excitement. Some expectations, however, can fuel distrust, fear, impatience, confusion, and sadness. Wow! Haven’t we all allowed both types of expectation to impact our lives — such expectation created from within, or from the world around

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Expectation Management – Oil Spills, Marriage and Golf (Part 1) – Minibytes #9

Minibytes by Al Allen The mismanagement of expectation can seriously affect the results of an oil spill, including the spiller’s reputation, the costs for damages and cleanup, the creation of new rules and regulations, etc. These and many other impacts will be addressed in this and the next two blogs). Just for fun, I will compare

Expectation Management – Oil Spills, Marriage and Golf (Part 1) – Minibytes #9 Read More »

Effective Oil Spill Response Training – Minibytes #8

Minibytes by Al Allen Training typically includes classroom sessions, workshops, drills, field exercises, etc. Regardless of the format and location, there are some basic guidelines that help make such training effective. My own observations on this topic draw from about a thousand training sessions over the past 5 decades. Conducted in well over 75 countries,

Effective Oil Spill Response Training – Minibytes #8 Read More »

Response Option Comparisons & Tradeoffs – Minibytes #5

Minibytes by Al Allen Unfortunately, some people still consider the use of chemical dispersants and the controlled burning of oil as “alternative” oil spill response options. Decades of research, controlled field trials and experience during actual oil spills have proven that the application of chemical dispersants and the use of controlled burning can easily match

Response Option Comparisons & Tradeoffs – Minibytes #5 Read More »

Encounter Rate In Oil Spill Response Explained – Minibytes #2

Minibytes by Al Allen The rate at which one can encounter a specific volume of floating oil is one of the most important parameters in the overall assessment of a given response system’s ability to access and eliminate spilled oil. Regardless of the type of system under consideration (i.e., skimming, burning or applying chemical dispersants),

Encounter Rate In Oil Spill Response Explained – Minibytes #2 Read More »

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