Elastec’s Environmental Commitment
Elastec is committed to improving our environment and dedicated to keeping our world clean. The very nature of the products we manufacture is to reduce or eliminate human made impacts on the environment. Over the last several years we have also implemented recycling programs for our scrap materials and other waste. Our program has shown an excellent reduction in landfill volume for paper, cardboard, plastic, and foam. All of our scrap metal is also sent for recycling. We have also reduced our electric consumption by installing LED lighting in our manufacturing spaces.

Elastec also manufactures the Bottle Boom. It uses empty plastic bottles as the flotation and is suitable for plastic debris control in ditches and small creeks. This, in effect, uses plastic trash to help catch and collect more floating trash.
The plastic bag or bottle that is dropped on the ground today may become the marine trash and debris of tomorrow – harming fish and fragile aquatic ecosystems. We are dedicated to finding new solutions and developing new products to help not only collect and control plastic waste in our oceans, but to also stop it in rivers, streams, and creeks before it can enter them. It all flows downstream.
Elastec’s commitment to the environment is also the reason we developed the Ways To Fight Plastic Pollution site. It documents solutions for collecting plastic pollution like the Omni Catamaran, the Brute Bin, and various containment booms.
Solar Panel Installation
Elastec has installed solar panels at our Carmi and Fairfield, Illinois facilities to help us generate some of our own electricity for equipment production. These panels will help us continue our commitment to “keeping our world clean” by making our manufacturing facilities greener.
Elastec Recycling Program
Over the last few years, Elastec has increased their recycling program by adding more bins at each facility. The following numbers are estimated amounts of materials we have sent for recycling during this time.

Cardboard Recycled
1.5 tons

Paper Recycled
4.7 tons

Cans Recycled
1.3 tons

Scrap Metal Recycled
186.8 tons