Elastec Testing New 4 ft. Brute Bin

Elastec has been testing a new smaller version of its Brute Bin trash collection device. This 4 ft. model can be installed at storm drain outflows to capture plastic pollution, trash and debris before it makes its way into the waterways. Trash enters our waterways from roadside rubbish carried by wind and stormwater runoff into

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Expectation Management – Oil Spills, Marriage and Golf (Part 3) – Minibytes #11

Minibytes by Al Allen By now, if you’ve been reading my previous blogs, you are aware that my opinions, stories and lessons learned usually involve a blend of technology, oil spill experiences, personal stories, and some of my own opinions and expectations. Hang on…, be patient…, and possibly just tolerate my desire to share so

Expectation Management – Oil Spills, Marriage and Golf (Part 3) – Minibytes #11 Read More »

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