Elastec manufactures batch load portable incinerators to eliminate waste ranging from debris to hazardous medical waste. Our MediBurn Medical Waste Incinerator has been used in the fight against Ebola. It is also able to destroy medical waste from other viral outbreaks like Coronavirus (COVID-19). The Drug Terminator line of mobile incinerators have helped law enforcement and take-back programs destroy thousands of pounds of collected drugs. The SmartAsh is a small incinerator that is mobile and ideal for incinerating waste in remote locations. Our line of incinerator equipment is safe, efficient and easy to use. We also manufacture a drop-off box for drug take-back programs. Order replacement parts for Elastec Barrel Incinerators.

Municipal Waste Incinerator

Medical Waste Incinerator

Drug Terminator


The Elastec Drug Terminator is a portable incinerator for the on-site disposal of evidence property and community take-back programs. Law enforcement agencies, military installations and medical facilities can destroy drugs by injecting them into a cyclone of fire with the Drug Terminator’s patented Easy-Feed Cartridge. In addition to drugs, the Drug Terminator also burns other non-hazardous substances such as documents, plants, food, and lab materials with minimal environmental impact.
Elastec’s Municipal Waste Incinerators are environmentally safe, compact, and easy to operate. These systems are ideal for burning general waste, collected drugs from take-back programs, illegal drugs and paraphernalia, food waste, and trash. The units are suited for use in hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, laboratories, blood banks, police departments, military bases, veterinary clinics, and airports.

SmartAsh® cyclonic barrel incinerator is an innovative mobile incinerator that meets EPA requirements for burning non-hazardous refuse. Read our FAQ. Simply load a 55 gal / 208 L open-head steel drum, light the load and clamp on the lid. A whirlwind of fire and intense heat is created inside the drum, burning refuse without smoke or smell. Combustion is complete, leaving 3% ash. The SmartAsh is ideal for remote locations with limited facilities for disposing of waste, such as mining, military, camps, expedition bases, and remote communities, etc.
Elastec manufactures drug drop-off boxes that can be used in conjunction with either our Drug Terminator or Mediburn for take-back programs. The boxes can be set up at locations to collect expired and unused prescription drugs so that they can safely be incinerated. Our drug drop-off boxes can be painted or wrapped with graphics to suit the needs of your location. Each box has a lockable deposit door, retrieval door for emptying, and 4 bolt anchor holes in the base. Contact us for more information.

20ft. Side Opening Container with MediBurn 30 Installed
A standard 20ft Side Opening Container modified to ship, store, and operate a MEDIBURN 30. The Mediburn is secured to the base of the container with rails, with roof access for the flue. The container is also fitted with a louvre and fan. Once on site, power can be connected to the unit, flue installed, doors swung open, then the Mediburn is ready to operate. The container has sufficient space for storage of waste and an addtional fuel tank ( optional extra). When operations are complete the side and end opening doors can be closed and the unit secured. Contact us for more information.
40 CFR 60.2887 – What combustion units are excluded from this subpart
“(p) Units that combust contraband or prohibited goods. Your incineration unit is excluded if the unit is owned or operated by a government agency such as police, customs, agricultural inspection, or a similar agency to destroy only illegal or prohibited goods such as illegal drugs, or agricultural food products that can not be transported into the country or across State lines to prevent biocontamination. The exclusion does not apply to items either confiscated or incinerated by private, industrial, or commercial entities.”