American Marine, a division of Elastec, has been manufacturing oil containment booms and barriers for oil spills since 1967. We are an industry leader in its manufacture and our standard models are always in stock. Elastec also offers a wide variety of accessories. We can manufacture custom barriers to fill individual needs. We also offer the BoomVane™ to aid deployment of in moving water or with a vessel. Fill out our questionnaire and tell us about your project.

Airmax boom card


Airmax V-Sweep card

AirMax V-Sweep







MaxiMax and MiniMax card

MaxiMax and MiniMax

Optimax containment boom card


PermaFence card


ReelPak card


RubberMax card


RubberMax V-Sweep card

RubberMax V-Sweep

ShoreMax card


Simplex card


SuperMax card


SuperStream card


SuperSwamp card


Swiftwater boom card


TundraGuard card


BoomVane card


Containment boom and curtain accessories card

Boom and Curtain Accessories

AirMax inflatable containment boom

AirMax Inflatable Containment Boom

AirMax is a versatile, inflatable oil containment boom, manufactured from high-quality Urethane fabric. The AirMax range of containment booms are designed for compact storage and quick deployment. The high visibility orange fabric greatly assists mariners and vessel operators to avoid a potential navigational hazard. As an added safety feature, the hot galvanized steel ballast chain is enclosed in a reinforced fabric pocket to prevent entanglements and pinch points for operators. This chain also acts as a tension member for added strength and resistance of towing forces.

Learn more about AirMax Inflatable Containment Boom

EconoMax containment boom

EconoMax Containment Boom

The Elastec EconoMax oil spill containment boom is lightweight and compact, designed for deployment in protected and calm waters. The flat panel floats allow this boom to be folded into neat parcels that can easily be stored in vehicles and trucks, ready for quick deployment by hand.

Learn more about EconoMax Containment Boom

EconoMax containment boom
Flexibelt oil spill containment boom

Flexibelt Oil Spill Containment Boom

FlexiBelt is a unique spring-loaded floating containment boom designed to be used by ships during refueling and product transfer operations. It will ride up and down against the ships’ hull and seawall, automatically adjusting to the changing distances and waterline. Typically, two FlexiBelts are deployed with one upstream and one downstream (facing in opposite directions).

Learn more about Flexibelt Oil Spill Containment Boom

MaxiMax and MiniMax containment boom

MaxiMax and MiniMax Containment Boom

Elastec MaxiMax and MiniMax oil spill fence booms are designed in a variety of sizes for rapid deployment from boom reels or racks. Elastec manufactures fence boom with added tension members combined with solid foam floatation. This oil and debris barrier is typically used for deployment in ports and harbors for surrounding vessels or protecting resources. The construction employs top and bottom tension members (cable on top and chain on bottom).

Learn more about MaxiMax and MiniMax Containment Boom

MaxiMax and MiniMax containment boom
OptiMax oil spill containment boom

OptiMax Oil Spill Containment Boom

OptiMax is a strong and versatile containment boom that meets OPA 90 specification for use in rivers, streams and near shore ocean environments. OptiMax II is the contractor’s boom of choice for rivers and streams where conditions such as a fast current may exist that requires additional buoyancy reserve. OptiMax boom is an industry standard oil spill containment boom. Its lightweight and reliable construction makes it ideal for shoreline and coastal protection.

Learn more about OptiMax Oil Spill Containment Boom

PermaFence boom

PermaFence Barrier

The PermaFence containment barrier is designed for permanent installations and minimum maintenance. This heavy-duty boom is capable of withstanding long-term deployments and the arduous conditions of permanent installations. Our specially molded foam filled floats have a unique design that greatly enhances the impact resistance while providing high buoyancy reserve. These floats are produced in HDPE material that provides excellent UV and abrasion resistance.

Learn more about PermaFence Boom

PermaFence boom
RubberMax containment boom

RubberMax Oil Containment Boom

RubberMax inflatable oil containment boom is produced with the latest materials and techniques. The materials have been extensively tested according to ASTM and military standards including puncture and abrasion resistance as well as tear and tensile strength. The construction has two plies of polyester reinforcing fabric coated in synthetic rubber with compounds which are resistant to the elements and oil.

Learn more about RubberMax Containment Boom

ShoreMax inflatable containment boom

ShoreMax Inflatable Containment Boom

ShoreMax is a special purpose inflatable oil spill containment boom for use in shallow, calm water environments or to traverse between the beach and the sea. It is ideal for making the transition between a conventional floating boom and the shoreline, equally it is very useful in swamp and marsh areas where the water level can rise and fall. Ballast is provided by water-filled tubes.

Learn more about ShoreMax Inflatable Containment Boom

ShoreMax inflatable containment boom
Simplex oil spill boom

Simplex Oil Spill Boom

Simplex boom is an industry standard oil spill containment boom. Its lightweight and reliable construction makes it ideal for shoreline and coastal protection. Simplex is an inexpensive boom, yet it features a high buoyancy reserve provided by stable closed cell foam log floats.

Learn more about Simplex Oil Spill Boom

SuperMax spill containment boom

SuperMax Spill Containment Boom

SuperMax Boom is a high buoyancy curtain oil boom suited to protected and open waters. It may be fitted with a stainless steel top cable as an option for added strength for towing applications. As an added safety feature the galvanized steel ballast chain is enclosed in a reinforced fabric pocket to prevent entanglements and pinch points for operators. The high buoyancy to weight ratio of the boom provides excellent wave conformance and oil retention characteristics.

Learn more about SuperMax Spill Containment Boom

SuperMax spill containment boom
SuperStream spill containment boom

SuperStream Spill Containment Boom

SuperStream is a handy oil spill containment boom suitable for use in streams, canals, roadside ditches and other shallow calm water areas. SuperStream is lightweight and easily transported. It is typical for SuperStream to be carried in the back of trucks and small containers ready for instant deployment. It is fitted with a cylindrical closed cell foam float and galvanized ballast chain.

Learn more about SuperStream Spill Containment Boom

SuperSwamp oil spill containment boom

SuperSwamp Oil Spill Containment Boom

SuperSwamp boom is a small oil spill containment boom suitable for use in streams, canals, roadside ditches and other shallow calm water areas. It is fitted with a cylindrical closed cell foam float and galvanized ballast chain. SuperSwamp is lightweight and easily transported. It is typical for SuperSwamp oil spill containment boom to be carried in the back of trucks and small containers ready for instant deployment.

Learn more about SuperSwamp Oil Spill Containment Boom

SuperSwamp oil spill containment boom
Swiftwater oil containment barrier

Swiftwater Oil Containment Barrier

SwiftWater is an oil containment boom suitable for use in streams, rivers, canals, and roadside ditches. SwiftWater is lightweight and easily transported. It is typical for SwiftWater to be carried in the back of trucks and small containers ready for instant deployment. It is fitted with a cylindrical closed cell foam float, top tensions cable and galvanized ballast chain.

Learn more about Swiftwater Oil Containment Barrier

TundraGuard Oil Boom

TundraGuard Oil Boom

TundraGuard oil spill containment boom is suited to swamps, marshes, inland or boggy terrain. It is a special purpose lightweight boom for use in shallow, calm water environments where the water level may fluctuate and cause conventional booms to leak or fail due to grounding. The upper chamber is filled with foam buoyancy that provides freeboard when the water depth increases and allows the boom to function like conventional curtain booms in deeper water.

Learn more about TundraGuard Oil Boom

TundraGuard Oil Boom

Oil Spill Containment Boom Questionnaire

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